Easy Science and Sensory Ideas

 *Remember: The best play is child-led, both individually and in social settings.  The following activity ideas are intended to bring awareness of the skills children develop through play, not to replace free-play or meaningful, genuine adult-child interactions*

Science and sensory play often seem too difficult for inclusion at home, but for preschool children, science is all around!  Remember, they don't understand concepts that seem simple to adults like floating and sinking, freezing and melting, etc.  Science can be found everywhere!

Bubbles!!  Just mix some dish soap and water, in the sink, bathtub, small container....anywhere!  Add a few cups or other kitchen items and your kiddo will be busy for hours!

No bubble-making items around?  Just plain water works just as well.  Side note, water play has a calming affect.  Try it!

There are plenty of recipes online for sensory materials, but anything you have around works.  Try mixing to see what happens!  Flour and oil make a fun, mold-able dough.

Cornstarch and water makes a crazy concoction that is both solid and liquid!

Baby too small for messy stuff??  Try wax paper, it's crunchy and fun and won't disintegrate when they inevitable try to taste it!

"But I don't have ANY of the items above!" you say?  No worries, mud is fun!  Everyone has mud, or can make it by adding water!  Kids need mud!

If you cook, involve your children.  They touch, taste, and smell, and they're more likely to eat it if they helped cook it!

Give baby some cooked spaghetti for sensory play, non-toxic and such a wonderful learning experience!

Depending on where you live, science items can be collected in your back yard!  Leaves, acorns, fruits, veggies from the garden, sticks, etc.

Put anything in a box with some cups and you have sensory play!  Bird seed, rice, flour, beans, water, corn starch, oats, anything!

Collect some fabric scraps or clothing from your closet to explore a variety of textures with your kiddo.  This is an excellent opportunity to use descriptive words and expand vocabulary!

If your children are bored with regular water play, try some ice!  Give spoons, cups, and tongs and let them explore!!

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